
Guidelines for Creating a Good Scientific Poster

This post contains general guidelines on how to make a scientific poster. You should always check the standards and requirements for the specific conference, site or session where you will be presenting.

Tidy Tuesday: Mario Kart World Record

I’m finally venturing into the world of Tidy Tuesday. This week is all about Mario Kart. The Data The data this week comes from Mario Kart World Records and contains world records for the classic (if you’re a 90’s kid) racing game on the Nintendo 64.

Rebuilding this Site, Again, from Near Scratch

The last time I updated this website was in 2017 [link to other post]. I’m taking a full year sabbatical, and so I wanted to start by doing some updates to this site first.

Using dplyr and foreach to read in multiple data sets from disk

I had a student (Jack Fogliasso) bring me a problem from a Microbiology lab where they are trying to identify bacteria using lasers. One of the items they wanted to understand was the absorption rates of different wavelengths.

Getting Started with R and R Studio

Overview Instructions and links for downloading and installing the R Studio suite of awesomeness. Includes a brief walkthrough of R Studio R – The programming language. R Studio – A fantastic interface for coding in R.

Fancifying Excel tables in R Markdown with kable_extra

I’m a big fan of automating all the things. Especially when it comes to teaching materials. I build my own course websites for each class I teach, where I post lecture materials, due dates and links to external resources.

New website using Blogdown

As a teacher, i’m on a 9 month contract. That means technically I don’t “work” over summer. However as any academic can tell you, that’s not how it goes. Everyone works over summer, it’s just what they work on (and when they work on it) is more of a personal preference.